List of All Accounting Standards (Notes)
This list of Accounting Standards will be useful for readers who are using Smartphones, to go for A.S they want to read rather than pressing next or previous buttons.
Few A.S have more than one summary or notes, like Valuation of Inventory and accounting standard 1, Link is given inside their respective summary.
Accounting Standard And Applicability
All Accounting Standard at a Glance
A.S-1 Disclosure of Accounting Policies
AS-2 Valuation of Inventory
AS-3 Cash Flow Statement
AS-4 Contingencies and Events Occuring After the Balance Sheet Date
AS-5 Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items and Changes in Accounting Policies
AS – 6 Depreciation Accounting
AS – 7 Construction Contract
AS-10 Accounting for Fixed Assets
AS -10 Property, Plant and Equipment (Revised)
A.S -11 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
AS-12 Accounting For Governments Grants
AS - 13 Accounting for Investments
AS 14 - Accounting for amalgamation
AS 15 – Employee Benefits
AS-16 Borrowing Cost
AS-17 Segmental Reporting
AS-19 Leases
AS-24-Accounting for Taxes on Income
Important Questions and answers in A.S